Acer Palmatum Katsura – Learn, Buy & Grow

Acer palmatum katsura, sometimes called Katsura Japanese maple tree, is a stunning tree native to parts of Asia. A pretty garden tree with lobed leaves that range from orange to green and then to a refreshing mesh of red, orange and yellow in autumn. It is often planted in small gardens or next to windows as it is mostly used to beautify the environment.

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Before you grow the Acer palmatum katsura, the area for planting should be cleared of any weed or plant that may compete with it for nutrients.

Acer palmatum Katsura

Acer palmatum Katsura

How To Grow And Care For Acer Palmatum Katsura

The root mass should be put into a square hole, covered up and then watered generously. READ: What should I underplant Acers with?

Like many Acer palmatum varieties, it is a low maintenance tree so it will grow excellently if a good watering regime is practised as well as some level of shelter. It needs little pruning so it should be carried out during the dormant season, that is, after fall and just before winter. It is best to fertilise in spring before new leaves start to develop.

Acer Palmatum Katsura

Acer Palmatum Katsura

Acer Palmatum Katsura growing conditions

Soil: It is suited to clay, sandy or loamy soils as long as it is moist, well-drained and slightly acidic to neutral. Read more: Acer Soil PH and Acer compost types.

Water: An average amount of water should be used. It should be watered more in spring and summer though.

Light: Although it can be grown in both full and partial shade, the best leaf colour is gotten in partial shade so exposure to the sun should be limited.

Acer palmatum Katsura

Acer palmatum Katsura

How tall does Acer Palmatum Katsura get?

The Acer palmatum katsura tree reaches a height of approximately 19 feet and a spread of 13 feet in two decades.

What garden position for Acer Palmatum Katsura?

The position of the Acer palmatum katsura tree may be north-facing, east-facing or west-facing, in a middle or back border position.

What colour is Acer Katsura?

Acer palmatum katsura has lobed bright orange leaves with red margins in spring. In summer, the leaves fade to green while keeping their edges orange.

The leaves become a beautiful mix of red, orange and yellow in autumn.

Further Reading

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