Acer Palmatum Taylor – Learn, Buy & Grow
Acer palmatum ‘Taylor’ is a stunning cultivar of the Japanese maple tree that originated from the cross-pollination of two unknown selections of Acer palmatum cultivars. It is a slow-growing, small, and compact tree with bright pink leaves.
As the tree matures, the hue of pink changes but the variegation still holds its beauty.

Acer Palmatum Taylor
How To Grow And Care For Acer Palmatum Taylor
Acer palmatum ‘Taylor’ can be planted at any time of the year between February and November. When planting, prepare a hole as wide as the root mass and mix in compost in such a way that the planting site has 50/50 compost and soil.
Next, place the root mass in the hole in such a way that the top of the root mass is only slightly below the ground. Fill up with the soil and compost mixture and water generously. It is propagated by semi-hardwood cuttings.
How tall does Acer Palmatum Taylor grow?
Acer palmatum ‘Taylor’ is a compact and slow-growing tree that takes 15-20 years to reach its maximum height of only 6 feet.
What Growing Conditions are needed for Acer Taylor?
Acer palmatum ‘Taylor’ is a low maintenance plant that is quite easy to grow.
Soil: The ideal soil type is moist, well-draining, and slightly acidic such as loamy, sandy, or chalk soil. Cover the base of the tree to retain moisture in the soil.
Water: Water regularly and deeply, especially in its early years. Increase watering in hot and dry seasons or when the plant is placed in full sun exposure.
Light: Although the full sun can be tolerated, the best foliage colour is achieved when growing in partial need. A plant in full sun exposure will require more water.
Pruning: Pruning is not required but can be done in the dormant months to remove dead or damaged branches.
Best position for Acer Palmatum Taylor
The best position is west-facing, east-facing, or south-facing where it gets partial shade or dappled sunlight.
What colours are Acer Palmatum Taylor
The foliage of this Japanese maple tree emerges as a stunning pink in spring and fades to pale pink with green edges in summer and turns lime green in august before the leaves drop.
Further Reading
We have lots of other helpful content for Acers, such as common questions we have been asked such as:
- What should I plant with an acer?
- How is best to repot an acer tree?
- Do Acers prefer acid soil?
- Do Acers prefer ericaceous compost?
- When is best to prune Acer trees in the UK?
- How to take cuttings from acer trees?
- Do Acers lose their leaves?
- Acer leaf browning and diseases,
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