Acer Palmatum Ukigumo – Learn, Buy & Grow

Acer palmatum Ukigumo, commonly called floating clouds, is a large shrub or a small garden tree with a deciduous crown. It is popular for its outstanding foliage with variegated leaves that are deeply divided and radiate openly.

It features leaves that are often marked with white or pink and may also have no markings at all. Acer palmatum Ukigumo – Japanese MapleThis Japanese maple tree is a compact tree with an upright habit showcasing short, horizontal twigs to create a semi-dense plant that displays a beautiful appearance in its dormant season. READ: What should I underplant Acers with?

Acer palmatum Ukigumo - Japanese Maple

Acer palmatum Ukigumo – Japanese Maple

How To Grow And Care For Acer Palmatum Ukigumo

Similar to other Acer palmatum trees, rid the planting site of all weeds and grasses and plant the root mass in a square hole. Mix soil and compost to cover the hole and water thoroughly. That’s how to grow the Acer palmatum Ukigumo – it’s pretty straightforward.

How tall does Acer Palmatum Ukigumo grow?

Acer Ukigumo is a slow-growing tree reaching a height of 7-12 feet and a diameter of 4 – 8 feet in 10 – 20 years.

Grow guide for Acer Palmatum Ukigumo

It is a low maintenance plant that is relatively easy to grow and care for.

Soil: Chalk, loamy, or sandy soil are ideal for this tree. The soil should be moist, well-draining, and slightly acidic.

Light: It can tolerate direct sunlight but the best foliage colour is achieved when grown in partial shade.

Water: It has average water needs. Once a week is fine but should be increased in dry and hot seasons. Substitute rainwater for tap water since the acidic nature of rainwater is great for the foliage colour.

Pruning: It needs only a little pruning to remove dead or damaged stems, and this should be done in its dormant months when the sap of the tree is not running and before the next growing season.

Best Position for Acer Palmatum Ukigumo

The best planting position for this Japanese maple tree is north-facing, east-facing, or west-facing where it can get a partial shade or dappled sunlight.

What colour is the Acer Palmatum Ukigumo?

In spring, the leaves emerge pale green with white spots and soft-pink edges that fade as the season progresses. The foliage turns yellow-orange before falling in autumn.

Further Reading

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