Miscanthus Sinensis Ferner Osten

Miscanthus Sinensis Ferner Osten

Miscanthus – Ornamental Grasses.

Miscanthus is varied species with many different options depending on what look you need for your garden. From impressively tall to small and bushy, there is something for all. I have a huge swathe of Miscanthus × giganteus in my own garden. View more ornamental grasses here.

Miscanthus sinensis Morning Light

Miscanthus is a genus comprising of grass species that are native to Africa, East Asia and the Pacific Island. It is also known as silver grass, maiden grass or fairy grass.

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Miscanthus varieties produce large, feathery flowers that come in shades of silver, pale purple and pink. They have fresh, attractive foliage.

Many varieties emerge green but turn brown or orange in autumn. Some of them have multicoloured foliage. They range from small varieties that reach a maximum height of 80cm to larger varieties that can grow to 2.5 meters in height.

These lovely grass varieties are also said to be handy because they have numerous uses. They are used for roof thatching, paper products, crafts and even as a source of renewable energy.

How to care for Miscanthus
Miscanthus can be planted at any time of the year but it is best in spring or autumn. They are low maintenance. They are rarely attacked by pests or affected by diseases.

What kind of soil does Miscanthus need? 
Miscanthus is best suited for even moist soil. It should be well-drained and have an adequate amount of organic matter.

How much light does Miscanthus need? 
It is best to plant miscanthus in full sun. It is likely to flop if grown in full or partial shade. Also, it will produce only a few flowers.

How much water  does Miscanthus need? 
Watering is not usually required. It is likely to get enough moisture from rainfall. If there is insufficient rainfall, you may water as required to keep the root and surrounding soil moist. It is much better to allow the soil to dry to a certain extent before watering again.

Does Miscanthus require pruning? 
The best time to prune is in late winter or early spring when new growth starts to appear at the base. It is done by simply snipping out dead canes

Where can I buy Miscanthus in the UK?

  • Encyclopedia of Exotic Plants for Temperate Climates - Will Giles
  • Miscanthus Sinensis ‘Flamingo’

    Miscanthus Sinensis ‘Flamingo’, commonly referred to as Chinese silver grass, silver grass flamingo, Eulalia grass, Eulalia flamingo, maiden grass, zebra grass, Susuki grass, or porcupine grass is a flowering plant native to Asia. It is a widely cultivated variety especially in temperate regions of the world and is valued for a beautiful ornamental grass.   Miscanthus Sinensis ‘Flamingo’ is a grassy plant that has narrow, arching, mid to dark green leaves and red-flushed stems in late summer and early autumn, with white prominent midribs that turn orange-gold shades in the fall; and slightly pendant, feathery flower plumes which bloom in late summer.  It flowers earlier than many Miscanthus varieties. At first, each plume is pink-tinged then later delicately changes to a silvery-white colour as it ages-rising well above the elegant foliage. This perennial plant with elegant foliage grows in the wetlands, is deciduous, floriferous, and has a clump-forming habit; capable of spreading 3 tom4 feet in width and growing to a height of 5 to 6 feet in about 2 to 5 years.

    Miscanthus Propagation Methods

    Chinese silver grass is best propagated by division and seed, having the plant dug up and divided or sowing the seeds in a cold frame in early spring.

    Growing Conditions for Miscanthus

    Miscanthus species are generally hardy and can be planted in autumn, although the best time to plant them is in late spring. They can be slow in establishing their roots but are fast-growing and considered versatile, low-maintenance plants of great winter interest.  Also, they have invasive tendencies (especially in the US) and require space, although this attribute is dormant in the UK. However, a best gardening practice is to not plant more than one cultivar in the same space.
    • Soil: Miscanthus flamingo tolerates most soils and can be planted in any moderately fertile, moist, and well-draining with a pH range of 5 to 7.5. They will do well in chalky, clay, loamy, or sandy soil of acidic, alkaline or neutral nature.
    • Light: Miscanthus flamingos can be planted in full sun to light or partial shade, although they perform best in full sun in terms of growth, width, and movement. They flower best after a hot sunny period and hence, planting them in deep shade is not advised. 
    • Water: Miscanthus flamingo plants should be well-watered but not over-watered in the first year after planting until their roots get established. They are drought-tolerant and hence require only occasional watering; watering isn’t required in the presence of sufficient rainfall. They should be protected from winter wetness as that could cause their roots to rot and other diseases might emerge from that.
    • Temperature: Miscanthus flamingo plants are very receptive to warm temperatures from early to mid-summer, as they aid in their growth. They are also full frost-hardy, capable of withstanding temperatures of up to -29 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Pruning: Miscanthus flamingo plants look good all year round, but might need to be cut back in spring. It is recommended to tie up the leaves and remove dead foliage and old flowered stems, cutting them to the ground in late winter to early spring before new shoots appear-encouraging new growth again.
    • Fertiliser: Miscanthus flamingo plants thrive well on their own and do not require feeding from fertilizer. However, the addition of mulched well-rotted manure or organic matter and grit to the soil is acceptable. Feeding, in any case, should occur only once every year, preferably in late winter or early spring as too much fertilizer can lead to the plant flopping.
    • Insects and Diseases: Miscanthus flamingo plants are largely free of pests and diseases. They are deer and rabbit resistant but attractive to birds.

    Where to buy Miscanthus flamingo in the UK?

  • Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’ or Japanese Silver Grass. Miscanthus can be deciduous or evergreen, depending on the severity of the winter. This popular grass grows to about 1m x 50cm wide. It has a tufted, spreading habit with erect stems with arching, linear leaves finely edged with white, thus giving the whole plant a delightful silvery appearance. From late summer and through the winter month’s terminal pinkish -bronze tinged panicles appear that mature to a fluffy cream colour. This ornamental grass prefers full sun and moist fertile soil, and once established, it will tolerate drought conditions as well as taking wind and snow in its stride. The foliage should be left standing throughout the winter months as it looks good and also provides protection for the crowns. The old stems should then be cut to the ground in late winter to early spring, when it will quickly regenerate into a new mound of fresh growth. Common Name: Japanese Silver Grass Latin name: Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’ Tenderness Rating: Hardy down to -15C Ease of growing: Easy Position: Prefers full sun to dappled shade Soil Condition: Moist, fertile, well-drained soil
  • Miscanthus sinensis Kleine Fontaine Feathery red flower-plumes maturing to silver-white held above clumps of slender arching mid-green leaves from late summer and late autumn. This medium-sized ornamental grass has a long flowering season and good autumn colour. A perfect specimen plant for a sunny site the stiff stems and flower heads are a feature of the winter garden.

Common Problems Encountered

  • Poor flowering is a common problem that occurs due to reduced sunlight during summer.  Hot, sunny weather is ideal for miscanthus to flower properly.
  • Miscanthus plants may rot off if the winter period is too wet. It will decay when grown in heavy soil. You can prevent this by putting some grit into the planting hole.
  • Multicoloured foliage may develop brown patches if the sun is too hot. Browning often starts at the leaf edges before spreading. The best way to deal with this problem is to take out the affected leaves immediately.

Common Miscanthus Varieties

  • Miscanthus 'Adagio'
  • Miscanthus x giganteus
  • 'Gracillimus' miscanthus
  • Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens
  • Miscanthus Sinensis 'Zebrinus'