Agave Shaka zulu
Agave Plants
Agave is the genus of plants belonging to the Asparagaceae family, native to America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. They have their habitat as arid and semi-arid regions above the desert, especially oak-pine woodlands and desert grasslands.
Agave Americana – American Aloe – Century Plant
Several plant species in this genus are of economic importance, such as the production of mescal liquors like tequila, sources of fibre, and potential bioenergy crop interest. There are around 200 species available.
Agave plants, commonly referred to as Agave are succulent, monocotyledonous plants with a fountain-like form that die after flowering and bringing fruits. Their leaves form a large rosette, are succulent or leathery, and can grow up to 8 feet in length with most of them bearing spines along the edges and tips. The leaves can be variegated or striped, in colours ranging from pale green to blue-grey.
They are late bloomers and may live up to 30 to 60 years before producing flowers, depending on their varieties. Their flowers are usually yellow, pale-green, or red and produce an abundant amount of nectar. The flowers produce capsule fruits and are pollinated by bats, birds, and insects such as bees and moths.
Agave plants are considered perennial plants because they grow very slowly and require many years to flower and mature. They are capable of growing from 1 to 20 feet in height, and 1 to 10 feet in width depending on the variety.
Agave plants are ornamental plants with over 200 known species and a number of those species being variants of original wild species have been bred to yield unique cultivars. A number of them are commonly grown and are worthy of note.
Agave Americana
Agave americana commonly referred to as Century plant and American aloe, is one of the most familiar species of Agave plants. It is a variety of plants with fleshy, variegated leaves that have prickly margins and terminal spikes with white or yellow stripes marginally or centrally. It is an ornamental plant cultivated majorly for its dramatic foliage and is used in the production of syrup and sugar.
Agave attenuata
Agave attenuate commonly referred to as the foxtail agave or dragon-tree agave, is a popularly spineless variety with a curved flower spike. It is uncommon in its natural habitat and can grow around 4 to 5 feet tall and a bit more in width.
Agave tequilana
Agave tequilana commonly referred to as Agave Azul, Weber’s blue agave, or blue agave is a variety of plant that blooms in 6 to 8 years with yellow flowers. It is capable of reaching a height of 6 feet and is used in the production of tequila.
Growth And Care For Agave Plant
Agave plants thrive on neglect and require very little supplemental care once the environment is friendly. They are best planted in spring or early fall, giving the roots maximum time to grow.
Soil: Agave plants are tolerant to any soil type, and can thrive in nutrient-poor soil as long as they are fast-draining. Ideally coarse, acidic to neutral soils with a pH of 6.5 to 7 and rocky or sandy nature are of preference.
Light: Agave plants can tolerate a little shade depending on how hot the climate is, although they grow better in full sun and the presence of direct sunlight for at least six hours on most days.
Water: Agave plants require frequent watering during the first month of being planted with a subsequent reduction in watering frequency to occasionally. As Agave plants mature, they become very drought-tolerant and do not necessarily require water unless the soil is completely dry and there’s been a long absence of rainfall. Their roots do not appreciate being water-logged as that could lead to rotting.
Temperature and Humidity: Agave plants are very heat-tolerant and thrive well in warmer climates. An ideal temperature of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit in spring and summer; and a surrounding temperature of 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the cooler conditions of autumn and winter is required.
Most Agave plants are intolerant of frost and prefer low humidity climates, as high humidity can result in crown rot.