Buxus Balls are technically ‘Buxus sempervirens‘ or the common box tree and European box. Buxus balls are used for structured garden design, these ball shaped green bushes give a classy, chic and contemporary look to your house all thanks to the neatly trimmed edges and those small leaves. Buxus balls are very flexible plants and can fit almost every place you want to put them. They can eventually be transformed into Buxus pyramids if you want different style, or just buy pre sculpted.
Large Buxus Balls looking magnificent!
Buxus balls in pots
These look great on patios, in gardens or placed in pots to design your doorsteps. Extremely low maintenance plants which are drought resistant and can adapt to any temperature without any major damage to the plant.
This plant can tolerate urban pollution and can thrive in shade or in sunlight, which makes it very easy to care for it. Instead of direct sunlight, box trees flourish in bright shady areas for them to grow the beautiful leaves and flowers.
BUXUS GUIDES & Further Reading
Buxus Grow Guide – Learn how to get the best from your Buxus
How to make your buxus grow faster
How to save a dying Buxus & common problems
When is best to prune or trim your buxus
How far apart should buxus be planted
Buxus can be grown into many shapes such as balls, pyramids, spirals, lollipop, or just hedges and topiary. Other plants could be used such as spiral bay trees, ilex crenata, taxus baccata or yew for yew balls or twisted yew trees
Buxus balls in the border
Although if you are putting them in direct sunlight, make sure that the soil does not dry out which can lead to damaging of the leaves. Leaf scorching is likely to occur if the soil is left to dry out.
How to prune Topiary buxus balls
The most attractive feature of these Buxus sempervirens balls is the easy pruning with something like a buxus ball shaper which allows gardeners to cut them into any shape. Pruning is usually done in summers very carefully using shears and these shears are cleaned using bleach in order to avoid the box blight disease.
How to care for small and large buxus balls
Gardeners usually remove the flowers from this to increase foliage and add fertiliser once or twice a year to help the plant grow efficiently. Organic fertilisers are a great option for this plant which should be introduced gradually to avoid shocking the plant. It does not require a lot of water in winters but the buxus balls take an orange hue which makes the plant look sick. This occurs due to vitamin deficiency and could be avoided by using fertilisers rich in nitrogen and potassium, applying it after every two weeks until the leaves turn green leafy and fresh again. View large topiary balls here.
You don’t need to worry about the soil too much, however if available, use lime based soils for buxus balls. Fertilisers are usually used more often when they are put in a pot, than if the topiary is planted in the ground. If an insect attack occurs, it is best to remove the leaves which are affected and spray when needed. You can easily detect stress in your box plant if the leaves turn yellow around the edges, which can be treated by using a balanced fertiliser.
Usually an evergreen shrub or small tree, small leaves with pale yellow flowers.
Buxus ball facts:
Slow growing, reaching 5m. Compact and glossy.
Evergreen, bushy and green leaves.
Aspect: Full shade, or partial shade. North, East, South or West is fine. Exposed or sheltered.
Soil. Moist by well drained. Any soil type really, and any acidity in normal soils.
Ultimate height: 4-8m, taking 20-50 years to get there!
Hardyness: H6
Where can I buy Buxus balls?