
This is a fabulous medium sized Canna growing to around 1.5m tall with vibrant dark green foliage. This cultivar has glowing orange-red flowers that are medium-sized with frilly, reflexed petals and a delightful splash of yellow in the throat of each bloom, flowering from mid-summer to autumn. Like all Cannas, this cultivar prefers a full sun position on moist, well-drained soil and enjoys being mulched with well-rotted manure. Remove the old flower spikes thus promoting lots of new growth from the base as the season progresses. It is always best to plant this exotic in groups for the best visual impact.

We have an article here about How to over winter your Canna plants in the UK.

Cannas associate well with Gingers and Bananas for that really tropical look!

Common Name: Canna ‘Bonfire’
Latin name: Canna coccinea
Tenderness Rating: Hardy down to at least -2C hence should be cut down and stored under cover during the winter months.
Ease of growing: Easy.
Position: Prefers full sun position, but will also grow well in dappled shade.
Soil Condition: Moist, humus rich soil and respond well to a high nitrogen feed in the spring and plenty of water.