Fascicularia bicolor – Hardy bromeliad plant
Bromeliads – How grow Bromeliads in the UK
The Bromeliad is a family of flowering plants that consists of over 3,000 species native to North, South and Central America. Classified as epiphytes, they grow on tree trunks and logs or cacti.
Fascicularia bicolor – Hardy bromeliad plant
As many are epiphytic plants, they absorb nutrients and resources from the air. They may also be terrestrial or saxicolous. Bromeliads are slow-growing and can take a year or two to mature.
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Most bromeliads have very colourful leaves that can be mistaken for flowers. These are known as bracts. They have long, stiff leaves that overlap and their flowers may be red, purple, yellow or blue.
Bromeliads Growth And Care
Despite mostly being epiphytic plants, bromeliads are usually planted with intention.
In the UK, bromeliads are sold as small root masses in trays or containers. You can buy them from nurseries, florist shops or garden centers. Their prices generally range from £15 to £50 depending on the species you want. It may be difficult to choose…. as every single one of them is gorgeous. Planting Bromeliads is a pretty easy process!
Use a pot that has multiple holes for drainage. This pot should be slightly larger than the root mass to be planted.
Fill one-third of the pot with well-drained soil. Then place your root mass in such a way that it is approximately 1 inch below the rim of the pot. This is done to leave some room for watering. Soil mix can be 1 third sand ideally.
After planting, use some potting mix to fill in around the root mass. You can level it to some extent using your palms.
Pour rain water or distilled water in the cup-like center formed by the bromeliad leaves and then move the container to an appropriate location.
The water in the cup center should be poured out every two weeks and replaced with fresh water.
Bromeliads thrive in dappled shade. Therefore, excessive sunlight will cause their leaves to burn. Placing them in darkness will also cause significant damage to the leaves.
In the months of spring and summer, you can apply a house fertiliser when watering. The fertiliser should be diluted to half its strength before feeding it to the bromeliad plant.
Video: Growing Bromeliads in the UK – The Exotic Garden
Common Problems with Bromeliads
Discolouration: The tips of bromeliad leaves may start to turn brown if they are watered with hard water rather than distilled or rain water. Also, brown or pale leaves indicate excessive exposure to sunlight or extremely dry weather. Yellow leaves could mean that the plant has become too big for its container.
Stem or Root Rot: This is a fungal disease that occurs when the soil is too wet or damp. The leaves of your bromeliad plant will become brown and soggy. It also causes poor growth, wilting and eventual death. You can treat with chemicals such as chloropicrin or by pruning the infected roots.
Mealybugs and Scales: These are insects that feed on plant sap and produce a sugary substance that makes bromeliads leaves to be sticky. This will result in the spread of sooty mould on the surface of the bromeliad leaves. You can wipe them with a cloth dampened with alcohol.
Red Spider Mites: They cause a mottled pattern of leaf yellowing and fine webs form between the leaves. These insects find it difficult to survive in humid environments so you can spray your bromeliads with water to increase humidity or use non-chemical sprays that contain plant oils.
Where can I find Bromeliads for sale UK
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