
Callistemon rigidus Stiff Bottlebrush Callistemon for sale online in the UKCallistemon rigidus is native to New South Wales in Australian where it grows from 2-3m tall with a stiff erect habit. Callistemon are evergreen shrubs in general, with very aromatic, linear to lance-shaped leaves, especially when crushed. It is a rather desirable shrub in the Myrtaceae family with striking crimson red (bottle brush-like) flower spikes with darker anthers, produced in late spring to summer.

It is hardy in all but the coldest regions preferring well-drained soil in a full sun position.

Being the hardiest of all the Bottlebrushes, it works well in exposed locations and in takes windy conditions in its stride.

Pruning is recommended after flowering to remove spent flowers and encourage an attractive growth habit; though in saying this it does have rather attractive seed pods.

Latin name: Callistemon rigidus
Common Name: Stiff Bottlebrush
Ease of growing: Easy
Position: Full sun
Hardiness: Hardy
Soil Condition: Well drained