What to plant with ….. ? Your guide to choosing the best companion plant!

Your guide to knowing what to plant alongside, or with a plant in your garden. We often get asked what is best to underplant and why, or what the best companion plant would be for a specific plant. So we decided to try and get these into one place for you to browse through. READ MORE about why underplanting is critical!

Finding the right plant to underplant can make or break your garden. Underplanting is one of the ways to get your garden looking next level, and the key to this is knowing what plant to choose for these locations. ,

It can be hard finding the right plant for the right spot, as you’ll often be fighting against another plant for sun, or nutrients or even water in the soil or compost.

  • Cordyline Australis Pink Passion

What Should I Plant with Cordylines? (Best choice for impact)

May 23rd, 2022|Comments Off on What Should I Plant with Cordylines? (Best choice for impact)

Cordylines, or Cabbage palms if you prefer, are gorgeous, evergreen foliage plants with gray-purple or bronze-red, sword-like, arching leaves. These variegated leaves are adorned with bold pink margins and stripes. Wondering what to plant with [...]