How big will cordyline fruticosa get?
What does cordyline fruticosa look like?
What type of soil can the Ti Plant be grown in?
How do I grow cordyline fruticosa in pots?
Where should I position my Ti Plant in my garden?
How is Ti Plant propagated?
How can I care for my Ti Plant?
Other Types of Cordylines and Torbay Palms

Cordyline fruticosa Conga
Cordyline fruticosa is a tropical and evergreen plant. It is native to eastern Australia, Southeast Asia, Hawaii and other Pacific Islands. It is the plant that has been used to make Hawaiian hula skirts.
Cordyline fruticosa Kiwi
This plant is commonly referred to as the Ti Plant, Hawaiian Ti Plant and the cabbage tree but was previously known as cordyline terminalis. It is a perennial plant, and it purifies the air of toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde. Also, it contains saponins which are poisonous to pets and small children if consumed.
How big will cordyline fruticosa get?
Cordyline fruticosa will grow as a small tree or shrub with a height of 15 feet and a span of 8 feet if grown outside in the tropics. Here in the UK, indoors only!
What does cordyline fruticosa look like?
The leaves are broad, simple and lance-shaped. They range in colour from pinkish-red when they first emerge to dark green as they mature. They are arranged spirally at the tips of the stems and the lower leaves die off with age.
Cordyline fruticosa and dracaena leaves look so much alike that they are often confused with each other. They can be differentiated by the colour of their roots as cordyline fruticosa has white roots and dracaena has orange roots. 20 inches long panicles of small and fragrant, pinkish-red or white flowers bloom in summer and are followed by tiny, red berries.
What type of soil can the Ti Plant be grown in?
This plant will grow well in chalky, loamy or sandy soil that is moist, free-draining and fertile. The pH of the soil should be between 5.0 and 7.0.
How do I grow cordyline fruticosa in pots?
When growing cordyline fruticosa in pots, mix in 1 part peat moss and 1 part vermiculite with 1 part of garden loam or potting soil for optimum growth.
Remove 2 inches of old compost from the surface of the soil and top with a fresh layer every spring to keep your plant healthy.
Where should I position my Ti Plant in my garden?
Ti plants with green leaves prefer a location where they will receive full and direct sunlight, while those with coloured leaves will do better when exposed to bright but indirect sunlight as they can lose their colour in strong sun. This is a tender plant so bring in over winter!
How is Ti Plant propagated?
Ti plant can be easily propagated from stem cuttings, suckers and seeds.
How can I care for my Ti Plant?
Watering: Ensure that the surface of your soil doesn’t dry out by keeping it constantly moist. Ti Plant is known to be sensitive to fluoride and should be watered with distilled, bottled or rainwater and water less in winter.
Fertilisation: Feed your plant once a week with a balanced, liquid fertiliser diluted to half strength.
Humidity: As this plant thrives in humid conditions, it should be placed in a tray that is filled with pebbles and water in extremely dry weather.
Problems: Your plant can be affected by pests and leaf spots. These problems can be eliminated with pesticide soaps, sprays and proper plant care.
Buy Cordyline Fruticosa for sale from UK suppliers
Other Types of Cordylines and Torbay Palms